
The Constitution of the United States, Article XIV, Section 3:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress...or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States...who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.
Lt. Kerry, as an officer of the United States, took such an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

And, even while still in the Naval Reserve, Kerry gave aid and comfort to our enemies.

Whether as a knowing agent or as a naive, manipulable tool is for you to decide, but the fact remains in either case that the outcome was aid to the enemy's plans.

How so?

We know that the North Vietnamese were our enemies in 1971, in what was still then a hot war.

We know that the communist agents of these enemies were actively directing and coordinating with the anti-war movements in the US.

For example, here is a translation of a document captured in South Vietnam in May, 1971. Note how it outlines the Spring Campaign of American demonstrations. Note how it specifically references the April rally in which Kerry threw away someone else's medals, that he then capped off with his fabricated "Jenjis Khan" war-crime testimony to Congress. Note the instructions on how to capitalize on this propaganda.

Here is another translated and annotated captured enemy document. It speaks of coordinating with labor unions, anti-war groups, and ex-service men. It lays out the plans for the Fall 1971 Anti-war Movement. Note how it specifically states

The spontaneous antiwar movements in the US have received assistance and guidance from the friendly [i.e., Viet Cong and North Vietnamese] delegations at the Paris Peace Talks.
Kerry, while still in the Naval Reserve, was also on the Executive committee -- a leadership role -- in the anti-war group VVAW.

And in that capacity he attended the Paris Peace Talks and met with communist agents, specifically Madame Binh, subsequent Minister of Information [i.e., Propaganda] of Vietnam.

Not only is this trip not denied by Kerry, nor his meetings with delegates at the Talks, but the FBI even records his trip.

Why in the world would the FBI remark in a field report about John Kerry going to Paris? Because he went with the VVAW's Executive Director, Al Hubbard, who linked the VVAW to the PCPJ (The People's Committee for Peace and Justice), a known subversive communist-controlled group that was, for example, specifically mentioned in this captured document (linked above) as "the most important" anti-war group that "maintains relations with us [the Vietnamese communists]."

Now, what was Kerry, the VVAW's national spokesman, told to do by these enemy agents in Paris?

We don't know.

But what, he just went to chat about the weather? What we do know is that the captured circular above indicate it was the plan of our communist enemies to "widely disseminate the seven-point peace proposal."

And as soon as Kerry returned from Paris, he held a press conference to disseminate the seven-point peace proposal:

July 22, 1971, three weeks after the Paris talks, Kerry called on President Nixon to accept the plan at a press conference in which he surrounded himself with the families of POWs, a strategy outlined in the...document.
Quite a coincidence, no?

This "seven-point peace plan" that Kerry was pushing for the enemy side essentially intended to withold releasing US POWs until Nixon would pay reparations and set a firm deadline for withdrawal.

You know, like an "exit strategy".

Now, is this aid and comfort?

The brutal communist regime that took over (remember the Boat People?), after war protests like Kerry's caused us to cut and run, was so pleased with his efforts on their behalf that they placed a photo of Kerry in the honored "war protester" section of their Communist War Remnants Museum, formerly the War Crimes Museum.

But wait, there's more!

Remember Hubbard, on the FBI watch list of subersive agents?

The FBI also records a meeting of the VVAW in Kansas City in which Hubbard and Kerry are listed in attendance -- not as mere members but as part of the Executive Committee. The FBI report shows that Hubbard explained the Paris meeting that he attended with Kerry was at the specific invitation of the Vietnamese government and that they met with its representatives. Also invited for the little soiree was the Communist Party USA.

But that's not the real meat of that night's meeting. No, it was at that November 1971 meeting at which the VVAW discussed a proposal to assassinate pro-war members of Congress.

That's not protest, ladies and gentlemen, that's Treason. That's Sedition. That's waging war against the United States.

The proposal was not adopted.

But did Kerry disavow the organization? Did he warn anybody?


And remember, he's the National Spokesman of this group, not just some curious walk-in.

To this day he claims he was not present at that meeting.

But the FBI report indicates his attendance.

In fact, the London Telegraph reports there are a great deal of FBI files on Kerry, some of which have been stolen from a historian -- though by Democrats (to suppress them) or Republicans (to publicize them) is unclear.

Now as we all know, the media has been pounding Bush about possible "gaps" in his National Guard service, and whether he might have missed a physical. And Bush has signed the proper form to release ALL of his military documents.

Kerry has not signed such a form. He is keeping much of it hidden. And the media seems to have no interest in pursuing his anti-war actitivities while in the Naval Reserve.

Curious, no?

What would he be hiding?

Who knows? Rumor has it that the unreleased documents indicate his discharge was "other than honorable" due to his violating his oath and giving aid to the enemy. And that it was only "fixed" under Carter's 1978 amnesty to draft dodgers and war protestors.

But, that remains speculation at this point.

Such amnesty would not rehabilitate him for eligibility to be a Senator, let alone to be President, under the 14th Amendment, however!

That would take a special vote of 2/3 of both Houses of Congress, according to the rest of Section 3.

Is anyone going to raise this issue?

Will the media care he's ineligible? Will it even be discussed?

Or are parts of the Constitution just inoperable if the intelligentsia deem to ignore them?

Are we an Aristocracy, or a Republic?

If we were serious about the Constitution, Kerry could not run.

If we were serious about the Constitution, nobody could in good conscience vote for him due to his clear ineligibility.

But this is not a serious age.

When illegal combatants -- enemies of civilization and life as we know it -- are demanded to have full POW status, and when POW status is believed further to require access to lawyers and civilian courts as if they were mere burglars rather than enemy warriors fanatically devoted to our destruction -- a position without any precedent in history -- then no:

we are not serious even about our own survival.