USSVI Charitable Foundation

A guest post from "Trim Pump" about the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Charitable Foundation:
USSVI has a Charitable Foundation (501(3)c) and if you give a donation and make it payable to USSV Charitable Foundation you can take a tax write-off. The Foundation is made up of: Scholarship, Memorial (help fund memorial projects), Brotherhood (help submariners in harms way), Library (support USSVI National Library at No. Little Rock), and Building Funds. The Building Fund was established at San Diego Convention from a motion by Senior Vice Commander and unanimously approved. It hopefully would become a fund that would draw some large donors and the hope or plan is to finance the building of or to buy a building to house our Library and a museum and possibly the National Office which is currently located in Silverdale, WA. The fund contains a paltry $450. Not something seen as been supported by the E-Board obviously. Yet a "poll" was taken on the National USSVI Web site ( and people seem to be in favor of a National Submarine Memorial in Washington, D.C. This, in spite of, a National Memorial on both coasts and 20+ Memorial/Museum submarines on display around the country. Yet no movement on the Building Fund.
[Links added by Bubblehead] I normally don't write much about USSVI, but they do some good work and are a great organization. I note that the Charitable Foundation also has web pages for General Fund and Museum (Boat) Fund, but they don't have a web page for Building Funds. What do you think about the issues raised by Trim Pump?