Clearing Doubts

The Ghouls are out in full force:
To Clear Doubts, Schiavo Autopsy Planned
What kind of logic is that? Oh, we have proof she should die, but she just has to be made dead first before we can show you?

As if there are any real "doubts" that just have to be "cleared"?

This has NOTHING TO DO with the extent of her brain injuries.

This has NOTHING TO DO with whether or not she'd ever recover.

This is an attempt to make "quality of life" -- a subjective decision, and influenced by biased third parties -- the basis for legalized Euthanasia.

And that's a Dystopia I refuse to allow.

The "right to die" has always been sold as reserved only for those terminally ill, and suffering in agony, when near their end.

Neither case is in effect here!

Look, the "hurry-up-and-die" people are probably next going to say, "oh look what you made us do, we were forced to make her die slowly and horribly! IF ONLY the laws allowed us to kill her quickly! You terrible heartless pro-life religious people!"

And then there will be a push to "fix" this problem, by making the killing easier and quicker.

But whew, at least my Doubts will have been Cleared!

What's their point? "See? It's DAMAGED! We can KILL IT!!!"