Submitting to CAIR

I have removed Nation Review Online from my list of links, because they have allwed the enemy to dictate terms to them. CAIR, nothing but an apologist front for terror groups, as well documented by Daniel Pipes and others (even at National Review!), has apparently gotten NRO to remove advertising for books critical of Islam.

Therefore I have removed NRO and replaced them with Pipes.

This is the letter I sent them:
Dear NRO,

How could you?

I understand you have removed advertising for books
critical of Islam due to pressure from CAIR.

That you would give the time of day to this
well-documented terror-front, let alone submit to
their demands like a dhimmi, is unbelievable --
especially given what I've learned about CAIR and
Islam from your very own website these last 3 years!

As a longtime reader, I am therefore sadly forced to
boycott NRO in its entirety until this mistake is

And I mean it!