Nanny State

This is just too stupid; the Nanny State is in too much control:
U.S. refuses `Any Wounded Soldier' mail
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Hundreds of thousands of holiday cards and letters thanking wounded American troops for their sacrifice and wishing them well never reach their destination. They are returned to sender or thrown away unopened.

Since the Sept. 11 attacks and the anthrax scare, the Pentagon and the Postal Service have refused to deliver mail addressed simply to "Any Wounded Soldier" for fear terrorists or opponents of the war might send toxic substances or demoralizing messages.

"Are we going to forget our soldiers because we are running in fear?" Fena D'Ottavio asked.

Apparently, grown adults, our true warriors, must be shielded from the slightest possibility of nasty words.

Better that not a single one gets the thanks from half a million ordinary Americans, than one might see something on paper that is no different than the venom that flows from the media every day!

How noble of the Nanny State!

How pathetic!

Here's someone with an idea:
Some groups are offering to forward mail to the troops. Aides to Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., are offering to accept letters, screen them through the U.S. Capitol mail operation, and get them to members of the armed forces.