The Great Qual Card Of Life

My first Engineer on USS Topeka (who went on to command USS Newport News) used to tell me that every challenge was just "another sig on the Great Qual Card Of Life". I really like that concept -- every new thing you do, whether it's good or bad, is another chance to demonstrate proficiency in the human condition. It made it easier to take when, for instance, I was reviewing admin for ORSE and discovered I'd done 12 of the boat's 24 reactor shutdowns that year -- I got another sig on my Qual Card for "getting boned".

Even out of the Navy, I like to apply the same concept. So what sigs am I still missing? Some of them (death of an immediate family member) I've avoided so far, and hope to keep avoiding for a long time. Some others - attend a Super Bowl, take a trip to Alaska (the last state I haven't visited yet) - are fairly long term. It's something I'll be working on 'til I get the Last Sig and, if my religious beliefs are right, head off to the Final Qual Board of the hereafter. Until then, I'll keep plugging away, trying to avoid going dink.

What interesting sigs to you really want to get signed off on your Great Qual Card Of Life?