Bizarro World

Once again, someone has concisely written what I wished to express. This "Marine shooting" incident is so obviously a non-issue and so obviously justified by any real standard (except the one that wishes for our defeat and to hand propaganda to the Enemy), that I even hesitate to waste any time mentioning it, but we are in such a bizarro world where everything is backwards, that I put here the words of David Warren from the Ottawa Citizen:

In the "Sunni Triangle" of Iraq we are dealing with an enemy who dress in civilian clothes; who smuggle arms and fighters through the lines in food trucks and ambulances; who use the minarets of mosques as sniper platforms, and the forecourts to cache ordnance; who blow up the defenceless when they wish to make a point; who make videos of captives pleading for their lives and then behead them; who shoot captured, disarmed Iraqi police in execution rows; and so on. And the media want to make a big fuss about one Marine finishing off one Jihadi, who if he lived would certainly kill again.

This is why the mainstream media are held in such contempt across large sections of the U.S. -- why the NBC anchor, Tom Brokaw, was fulsomely booed when he was announced at halftime during a football game at Norman, Oklahoma on Saturday. Because, with American lives on the line, and the lives of the innocents the Americans are protecting, the media take a position that is for all effective purposes on the other side.

Look, the police gun down actual innocents in the course of their duties and get exonerated; here we're in a war where the object is to kill the enemy, and we've got an actual enemy (illegal!) combatant who seems to be faking being dead, which could reasonably be for the purpose of ambushing, which is known to occur in exactly this situation, and is neither in custody nor known to be harmless nor trying to surrender.

There's absolutely no "burden of proof" required, nor has there ever been: possible threats are to be terminated immediately.


What, like it's some kind of myth that jihadis like blowing themselves up to kill everyone around them? That's what they do.

What is wrong with these people who can't see this?

What is wrong with them?

What's next, Miranda rights and group hugs for the enemy?

Yeah, war's hell. People get killed. That's the whole idea. Duh.

They should give that Marine a medal and attack the next room full of these subhuman savages like this.