Religious Contradiction?

I just noticed a glaring contradiction.

On the one hand, we're told, officially, that the terrorist held at Guantanamo don't represent Islam, which is a "religion of peace." (cough cough)

And yet, these very same inmates, who apparently aren't following "mainstream" Islam (or so we're told), are treated to the most astounding respect for their, uh, conventional Islamic beliefs, being given reverently-handled korans and shown the proper direction in which to pray towards the black stone.

Isn't that a little inconsistent?

Just a tad?

I mean, how can we treat them as devout and pious, and then in the same breath, deny they have anything to do with correct Islamic doctrine?

(cue music from Sesame Street) "One of these things is not like the others; one of these things just isn't the same!"