Project Valour-IT: The Navy (And The Troops) Need Your Help!

I'm a little late getting started on this, but a good portion of the mil-blogosphere has been taking part in one of the best causes I've seen: fund-raising for Project Valour-IT. Here's what the Project's all about:
Every cent raised for Project Valour-IT goes directly to the purchase and shipment of voice-activated laptops for wounded servicemembers. As of October 2006, Valour-IT has distributed nearly 600 laptops to severely wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines across the country.
During its initial phase, Valour-IT created "libraries" of laptops equipped with voice-controlled software for the severely wounded staying at major military medical centers. In many cases a laptop was provided to a wounded hero for permanent use...
Quite a few Navy bloggers are already involved in supporting this effort, including Chapomatic, SMASH, Neptunus Lex, and our illustrious leader for this effort, Curt at Chaotic Synaptic Activity. If you get a chance, hit the "Donate" button below (or to the right), and together we can make life a little brighter for our wounded heroes.