Congratulations To The Sub Report!

In becoming the best source for submarine news around the 'net, Eric at The Sub Report has earned a devoted following; I check out his page a couple of times a day. As an example of how much interest there is in submarines, check out TSR's Sitemeter, and you'll notice a milestone just got passed.

Eric got his one millionth page view sometime yesterday -- that's quite a feat! Even though his site started recording visitors probably a year or so after mine did, he beat me to 1,000,000 page views with a couple weeks to spare. (I'm still in the lead with unique visits, and will probably be passing the 500,000 visit mark about the same time I pass the 1,000,000 page view plateau sometime next month -- not that blog traffic is a competition or anything; after all, submariners are never competitive, right?)

Congratulations, Eric!