NR Admiral's Interviews In The News

As the news came out about the first 19 female Midshipmen / Officer Candidates selected for submarine duty, one of the articles talked about how all the candidates were interviewed by ADM Donald at Naval Reactors. Surprisingly, the article didn't try to make a big deal out of that, since the writer was apparently aware that all candidates to become nuclear officers are interviewed by NR.

I interviewed back in 1988, with ADM McKee. My interview was fairly straight-forward; he mainly wanted to know if my wife had gone to college, which seemed to be what he was asking all the married guys that day. One of my unmarried friends didn't have that easy question; he got asked what hobbies he had, and on answering, "Well, I like bowling", got told by the Admiral that bowling wasn't a hobby, so he had to go out for an additional "personality" interview with one of the guys from the Line Locker. He got selected, since he really was a good guy.

Anybody have any good NR interview stories?