News From Around The 'Net

Here are some news items of interest that have been floating around this week:

1) Female "Captain Bligh" relieved for cause: Captain Holly Graf, former CO of USS Cowpens (CG 63), was relieved for cause for being an insufferable martinet back in January. There are some interesting comments over in this post at the USNI Blog from some people who have worked with her. The question arises: Would a male CO have been kept around so long? (Having worked for such a CO, "He Who Must Not Be Named", back in the early 90s on USS Topeka (SSN 754), I can say that such Skippers were kept around back in the day. As I read the article about the things that Captain Graf did, all I could think was "I've seen worse"...). [Bellringer 1110 05 March: Here's a link to a blog post that has the IG report.]

2) IDF Soldier in Facebook Fiasco: A soldier for the IDF posts on his Facebook account about a mission his unit is about to do, causing the mission to be canx'd and resulting in a court-martial for him. Just a reminder for those of us engaged in classified operations...

3) "9/11 Truther" attempts to attack the Pentagon: It looks like it's not just unhinged right-wingers who can get violent when their fantasies about how the world works start to consume their lives...

4) Finally, a nice picture. Here's a shot of two of our newest warships at sea. USS PCU New Mexico (SSN 779) is in the foreground, and you can just see USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) in the upper right:

Have a great weekend!

Update 1355 06 Mar: I thought there was something wrong with the caption on the Navy picture saying it was of "USS" New Mexico, since I didn't remember the commissioning, but I figured I was just getting old. Then, today, a Facebook posting by SUBGRU 2 discussing the boat's upcoming commissioning ceremony on March 27th jogged my memory, so I corrected the sub's prefix above.