The Great Debate: Combined Vs. Separate Submarine Birthday Balls

The Dolphin has an article on the recent Submarine Birthday Balls in Groton, and it got me to thinking about Birthday Balls I've been to. I've been to two different kinds of balls -- "Officer only" balls, and ones where all submariners attended. I'll be honest and say that I liked the "segregated" balls better, and here's why: at the combined ball, people didn't have nearly as much "fun" (where "fun" = "do and say disgusting things"). It was almost as if the enlisted submariners thought they had to behave in front of the officers, and the officers thought they had to maintain decorum in front of the enlisted. Not even any roll fights, let alone having an inflatable sex doll as part of a centerpiece (like we had during my last year on the Connecticut at the Officer Ball).

So what's your opinion? Should Birthday Balls be segregated? Or should we focus more on maintaining a solemn decorum when honoring our forebears at these annual events? Are "enlisted only" balls the same sort of bacchanalian boozefests that officer balls are? And what's your best shore story from a Submarine Birthday Ball?

Update 0918 18 April: I tried to add a poll; let's see if it works:

Which Is Better: Combined Or Segregated Submarine Birthday Balls?
Combined -- Officers And Enlisted, Living Together
Both Kinds Are Great
Both Kinds Blow
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