Annoying Phrases

Lately, as I've been doing my TPS reports at work, I've been using the phrase "charted data" in certain situations, because it's the most accurate and concise description of what I'm working with. Every time I typed it, however, the hairs would raise up on the back of my hands and I'd feel as if I was in a classroom with dozens of lions running their claws down the chalkboards. Last night, I figured out why that was.

There are certain overly pretentious phrases that just rub me the wrong way. Being a nuke Submariner, I found a lot of them in my work life that I learned to loath whenever people said them; a frequent example is "threaded fasteners". ("Why can't you just say 'nuts and bolts'!" my internal monologue would shout whenever I heard my XO or an ORSE Board member use those words.) My least favorite phrase, though -- and the one whose similarity to my new work term set me off -- was that old block to check off on a Training Assessment sheet: "Logs and Plotted Data". Argghhh!!! It still pisses me off just to type it. My ex-ORSE Board member XO would ask about it every time he sat in on training. ("Where were your Logs and Plotted Data?" he'd ask whinily, with each word capitalized in the inflection of his voice. "Are you just an unthinking robot? There's more to good training than just mindlessly checking off a bunch of boxes with phrases taken from one sentence of the EDM", I'd scream silently in response, wondering how "Logs and Plotted Data" would help in an RC Div Troubleshooting Seminar.)

So, are there any submarine phrases that set you off like this one obviously does me?