Blegging Writ Large

(I'm pinning this post to the top of the main page until voting is complete on 08 Nov. Please vote for "The Stupid Shall Be Punished" every 24 hours.)

The 2007 Weblog Awards

This is more than a "bleg" -- begging by a blogger. This is a "super-bleg", because I'm asking you not only to vote for me in "Best of the Top 5001-6750 Blogs" category of the 2007 Weblog Awards, but I'm also asking you to open up your wallets and pocketbooks to support our wounded troops as part of the annual "Project Valour-IT" fundraising drive. Click on the above icon to the right every 24 hours to vote for "The Stupid Shall Be Punished", and click on the "Make a Donation" tab on the icon to the left once before November 11th to help injured servicemen and women get a voice-activated laptop they can use to keep in touch with their loved ones and learn new skills. (If you're a blogger, you can also join "Team Navy/Coast Guard" to help this year's Valour-IT fundraising drive, which runs through Veteran's Day.)

Thanks for your time and help... it really is appreciated.

Update 2335 08 Nov: Thanks to all my loyal supporters, I finished a very respectable 3rd this year. Congratulations to Simply Left Behind on winning! And please -- if you haven't done so, consider contributing to Project Valour-IT; the fundraising drive runs through Monday.