"Hey, Shipwreck" DVD Now Available

Just in time for Christmas, I'm sure the submariner in your life (such as yourself) would really enjoy their own copy of the 1st season of the submarine-themed viral video sensation "Hey, Shipwreck". You can order it direct from creator ET1(SS) Patrick Hrabe's website, as well as watching some of your favorite episodes while waiting for it to arrive. It's only $12.99 plus shipping, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Navy/Marine Corps Relief Society. (I can see Pat being assigned as Navy Relief Campaign Coordinator by his command as a collateral duty this year, so this should help him out in that "good deal".)

For new visitors who might not be aware of the "Hey, Shipwreck" phenomenon, here's the famous "Sailor-to-English Translator" vignette that really got people talking: