Annoying Euphemism Of The Decade: "Binge Drinking"

Everyone's heard of the term "binge drinking", usually used in news articles about how this trend is "rapidly growing" in terms bordering on shock and amazement. I saw the term used in 3 separate articles yesterday, each acting as if it's a brand new ill plaguing society.

I'm sorry, but I went to college during the 80s, and I can certainly say that there was quite a high prevalence of "binge drinking" back then -- except we didn't call it "binging", we called it "drinking to get drunk", or just "drinking". I was also in the military in the 80s and 90s, and I can assure you that "binge drinking" was quite popular before the GWOT.

I have to wonder if the journalists who participate in this kind of writing realize how ridiculous they're sounding as they talk about the "new dangers of binge drinking", or if they just had really sheltered lives growing up.

What "politically correct" euphemisms annoy you?