A Submariner's Video "Scrapbook"

Submariner "herrwest" put up a nice 6 1/2 7 1/2 minute video that's a compilation of his career in submarines, with both still pictures and short video clips:

I think this kind of 21st-century scrapbook is a great way to personalize your career for family and friends. Has anyone else done something like this they'd be willing to share?

Update 1228 12 Oct: The video was lengthened slightly and re-posted with a new URL; the new link is included above.

Update 0808 13 Oct: The video was lengthened slightly again and re-posted (again) with a new URL; I updated the video link so it should still be watchable, but I'm not gonna chase it around anymore if he changes it again. What you'll hopefully get from this post is that making a video of your career could be a fun activity.