Submarine And Navy Miscellany

A quick link-heavy roundup of items of interest to Submariners I haven't found time to write about more fully:

1) RADM Douglas McAneny, the new COMSUBPAC, announced that the Navy has confirmed that the submarine recently found on the seabed near Kiska is in fact USS Grunion (SS 216).

2) A Russian commentator discussed the future of Russia's submarine fleet. Still no word on when their new boomer, RFS Yuri Dolgorukii, will head out on sea trials.

3) Vigilis at Molten Eagle remembers the book "Spy Sub" and offers a related quiz. Eric at Decks Awash has more related videos.

4) The Navy puts more teeth into the PRP Program, following their rollout of the PTU to help Sailors pass the PFT part of the PFA! Now, if you're a fat boy, you can't get picked for IA duty. (Expect longer lines on the mess decks.) Once again, we learn that the way to beat Al Qaeda isn't to be smarter than they are; it's looking better in uniform than they do that will win us the Global War on Terror.

5) Midshipmen on assignment at the Air Force Academy use stealth to spy on the Falcons.

6) Check out retired Submariner Steve's new blog at Navy Blue Cougar.

7) And finally, from the "D'oh! Why didn't we think of that!" file, we see that the new generation of Submariners are a lot smarter than us old guys. Remember when changing out the anchor light involved a couple of EMs or IC-men in a rickety boat who were in real danger of falling into the harbor? As these Submariners on USS Newport News (SSN 750) show, there's actually an easier way of performing that PM:

Another picture of the evolution can be found here. And if anyone out there knows that we've actually been doing it that way for a long time, I'll feel really bad for the Submariners on my old boats.

Update 1258 04 Oct: Oh, I almost forgot...

8) The last DSRV has been replaced; we now have the SRDRS and SRCFS.