The DBF Pin

Some links for your reading enjoyment this weekend:

1) An E-mail with the history of the "Diesel Boats Forever" pin has been making its way around Submarine Force inboxes recently. You can read the story behind the pin here.

Speaking of DBF, Cookie has a humorous diesel boat story here.

2) You can also check our a fairly new blog by a Submariner here, and a blog by a retired Navy Captain (Cryptology) here.

3) Here's a story that projects that 111 new submarines will be built around the world by 2020. I think the number is optimistic, especially the 13 new SSBNs part.

4) Electric Boat is hiring design engineers. Hopefully some of them that get hired will actually have some time on the pond. These new engineers will apparently be working on the next generation SSBN. They won't be in the water before 2020.